Detailed examination of ModelViewSet and its role in Django Ninja CRUD viewsets


class ModelViewSet()

A viewset offering CRUD operations for a Django model.

Subclasses should specify the Django model via the model class attribute. You
can then attach various views (subclasses of AbstractModelView) to the subclass to
define the CRUD behavior.


  • model Type[Model] - The Django model class for CRUD operations.
  • default_input_schema Optional[Type[Schema]], optional - The default schema to use for
    deserializing the request payload. Defaults to None.
  • default_output_schema Optional[Type[Schema]], optional - The default schema to use for
    serializing the response payload. Defaults to None.


  1. Define your ModelViewSet and register its routes:
# examples/views/
from django.http import HttpRequest
from ninja import Router
from ninja_crud import views, viewsets

from examples.models import Department
from examples.schemas import DepartmentIn, DepartmentOut

router = Router()

class DepartmentViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    model = Department

    list_view = views.ListModelView(output_schema=DepartmentOut)
    create_view = views.CreateModelView(input_schema=DepartmentIn, output_schema=DepartmentOut)
    retrieve_view = views.RetrieveModelView(output_schema=DepartmentOut)
    update_view = views.UpdateModelView(input_schema=DepartmentIn, output_schema=DepartmentOut)
    delete_view = views.DeleteModelView()

# The register_routes method must be called to register the routes

# Beyond the CRUD operations managed by the viewset,
# the router can be used in the standard Django Ninja way
@router.get("/statistics/", response=dict)
def retrieve_department_statistics(request: HttpRequest):
    return {"total": Department.objects.count()}
  1. Include your router in your Ninja API configuration:
# config/
from ninja import NinjaAPI
from examples.views.department_views import router as department_router

api = NinjaAPI(...)
api.add_router("departments", department_router)


The register_routes method must be called to register the CRUD endpoints
with a Ninja router. This should be done after defining the viewset.


def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs)

Special method in Python that is automatically called when a class is subclassed.

For ModelViewSet subclasses, this method validates the class attributes and binds
the views to the subclass. It should not be called directly.


def register_routes(cls, router: Router) -> None

Register the routes with the given Ninja Router.

This method should be called after all the views have been attached to the
ModelViewSet subclass.


  • router Router - The Ninja Router to register the routes with.