Insight into the foundation of viewsets with BaseModelViewSet in Django Ninja CRUD


class BaseModelViewSet(ModelViewSet)

Provides a generic viewset with basic CRUD operations for a Django model.

This viewset is designed to be subclassed for specific Django models, providing a
standardized way to perform create, read, update, and delete operations. It expects
the subclasses to define the associated Django model and the input/output schemas
for serialization and deserialization of data.


  • model Type[Model] - The Django model class for CRUD operations.
  • default_input_schema Type[Schema] - The default schema to use for
    deserializing the request payload.
  • default_output_schema Type[Schema] - The default schema to use for
    serializing the response payload.
  • list_view ListModelView - The view to use for listing model instances.
  • create_view CreateModelView - The view to use for creating model instances.
  • retrieve_view RetrieveModelView - The view to use for retrieving model
  • update_view UpdateModelView - The view to use for updating model instances.
  • delete_view DeleteModelView - The view to use for deleting model instances.


from ninja import Router
from ninja_crud import viewsets

from examples.models import Department
from examples.schemas import DepartmentIn, DepartmentOut

router = Router()

class DepartmentViewSet(viewsets.BaseModelViewSet):
    model = Department
    default_input_schema = DepartmentIn
    default_output_schema = DepartmentOut


It is the exact equivalent and shorthand for the following:

from ninja import Router
from ninja_crud import views, viewsets

from examples.models import Department
from examples.schemas import DepartmentIn, DepartmentOut

router = Router()

class DepartmentViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    model = Department
    default_input_schema = DepartmentIn
    default_output_schema = DepartmentOut

    list_view = views.ListModelView()
    create_view = views.CreateModelView()
    retrieve_view = views.RetrieveModelView()
    update_view = views.UpdateModelView()
    delete_view = views.DeleteModelView()



The register_routes method must be called to register the CRUD endpoints
with a Ninja router. This should be done after defining the viewset.


def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs)

Special method in Python that is automatically called when a class is subclassed.

For BaseModelViewSet subclasses, this method validates the class attributes and binds
the views to the subclass. It should not be called directly.