Overview and usage patterns of the AbstractModelView in Django Ninja CRUD


class AbstractModelView(ABC)

An abstract base class for all model views.

Subclasses must implement the register_route, get_response, get_operation_id, and get_summary methods.


def __init__(method: HTTPMethod,
             path: str,
             detail: bool,
             decorators: Optional[List[Callable]] = None,
             router_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None) -> None

Initializes the AbstractModelView with the given decorators and optional router keyword arguments.


  • method HTTPMethod - The HTTP method for the view.
  • path str - The path to use for the view.
  • detail bool - Whether the view is for a detail or collection route.
  • decorators Optional[List[Callable]], optional - A list of decorators to apply to the view. Defaults to [].
  • router_kwargs Optional[dict], optional - Additional arguments to pass to the router. Defaults to {}.
    Overrides are allowed for most arguments except 'path', 'methods', and 'response'. If any of these
    arguments are provided, a warning will be logged and the override will be ignored.


def register_route(router: Router, model_class: Type[Model]) -> None

Registers the route with the given router.


  • router Router - The router to register the route with.
  • model_class Type[Model] - The Django model class for which the route should be created.


  • NotImplementedError - This method must be implemented by a subclass.


This method should be called by the register_routes method of the ModelViewSet subclass.
It should not be called directly.


def configure_route(router: Router, model_class: Type[Model])

Configures the route for the given model class with the specified router.

This method is a key part of the route setup process. It returns a decorator which, when applied to a view
function in a subclass (like RetrieveModelView), automatically handles the necessary configuration for
routing, including applying any specified decorators and merging router keyword arguments.

The returned decorator abstracts the intricacies of route configuration, allowing subclasses to focus on the
specific logic of the view (e.g., retrieval, creation, etc.).


  • router Router - The Django Ninja router to register the route with.
  • model_class Type[Model] - The Django model class associated with this route.


  • Callable - A decorator for the route function in the subclass, encapsulating the route configuration logic.


In a subclass like RetrieveModelView:

def register_route(self, router: Router, model_class: Type[Model]) -> None:
    @self.configure_route(router=router, model_class=model_class)
    def retrieve_model(request: HttpRequest, id: Any):
        # ... view-specific logic ...


This method should not be called directly by end users. It is used internally in the register_route
method of subclasses.


def get_response() -> dict

Provides a mapping of HTTP status codes to response schemas for the view.

This response schema is used in API documentation to describe the response body for this view.
The response schema is critical and cannot be overridden using router_kwargs. Any overrides
will be ignored.


  • dict - A mapping of HTTP status codes to response schemas for the view.


  • NotImplementedError - This method must be implemented by a subclass.


def get_operation_id(model_class: Type[Model]) -> str

Provides an operation ID for the view.

This operation ID is used in API documentation to uniquely identify this view.
It can be overriden using the router_kwargs.


  • model_class Type[Model] - The Django model class for which the route should be created.


  • str - The operation ID for the view.


  • NotImplementedError - This method must be implemented by a subclass.


def get_summary(model_class: Type[Model]) -> str

Provides a summary description for the view.

This summary is used in API documentation to give a brief description of what this view does.
It can be overriden using the router_kwargs.


  • model_class Type[Model] - The Django model class for which the route should be created.


  • str - The summary for the view.


  • NotImplementedError - This method must be implemented by a subclass.