Provides a declarative and powerful way to test AbstractModelView


class AbstractModelViewTest(ABC)

Abstract class for testing model views.

This class provides a common interface for testing various types of model views. It defines
several methods that must be implemented by subclasses, including on_successful_request and
on_failed_request, which handle the response from the server after a request is made.

Each test method within this class is automatically attached to the test case when instantiated
as a class attribute on a ModelViewSetTestCase subclass. The test method names are dynamically
generated based on the class attribute name.


  • model_view AbstractModelView - The model view to be tested.
  • model_viewset_test_case ModelViewSetTestCase - The test case to which this test belongs.


This is an abstract base class and should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use one of its
subclasses like ListModelViewTest, CreateModelViewTest, RetrieveModelViewTest,
UpdateModelViewTest, or DeleteModelViewTest.


def handle_request(path_parameters: dict, query_parameters: dict,
                   headers: dict, payload: dict) -> django.http.HttpResponse

Handles the execution of an HTTP request.

This method constructs the HTTP request and sends it to the server, then returns the server's response.


  • path_parameters dict - The path parameters for the request.
  • query_parameters dict - The query parameters for the request.
  • headers dict - The headers to include in the request.
  • payload dict - The payload to send with the request.


  • django.http.HttpResponse - The response from the request.


def on_successful_request(response: django.http.HttpResponse,
                          path_parameters: dict, query_parameters: dict,
                          headers: dict, payload: dict)

Callback method to handle the response for a successful request.

This method should be overridden in subclasses to implement custom logic for
processing successful responses.


  • response django.http.HttpResponse - The response from the server.
  • path_parameters dict - Path parameters used in the request.
  • query_parameters dict - Query parameters used in the request.
  • headers dict - Headers included in the request.
  • payload dict - Payload sent with the request.


def on_failed_request(response: django.http.HttpResponse,
                      path_parameters: dict, query_parameters: dict,
                      headers: dict, payload: dict)

Callback method to handle the response for a failed request.

This method should be overridden in subclasses to implement custom logic for
processing failed responses.


  • response django.http.HttpResponse - The response from the server.
  • path_parameters dict - Path parameters used in the request.
  • query_parameters dict - Query parameters used in the request.
  • headers dict - Headers included in the request.
  • payload dict - Payload sent with the request.