Provides a declarative and powerful way to test ListModelView


class ListModelViewTest(AbstractModelViewTest)

Provides a declarative and powerful way to test the list model view.

This class executes a matrix of test cases to validate the functionality of the ListModelView,
assessing its behavior under various conditions using combinations of path parameters, headers,
and query parameters.

Each test method within this class is automatically attached to the test case when instantiated
as a class attribute on a ModelViewSetTestCase subclass. The test method names are dynamically
generated based on the class attribute name. For example, if the ListModelViewTest is used
to test a ListModelView named list_departments_view, the test methods will be named
test_list_departments_view__test_list_models_headers_unauthorized, etc.

This naming convention ensures clear and consistent identification of test cases.


  • model_view ListModelView - The list model view to be tested.
  • model_viewset_test_case ModelViewSetTestCase - The test case to which this test belongs.


  1. Let's say you defined a ListModelView like this:
# examples/views/
from ninja_crud import views, viewsets

from examples.models import Department
from examples.schemas import DepartmentOut

class DepartmentViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    model = Department

    list_departments_view = views.ListModelView(
  1. You can test the list_departments_view like this:
# examples/tests/
from ninja_crud import testing

from examples.views.department_views import DepartmentViewSet

class TestDepartmentViewSet(testing.viewsets.ModelViewSetTestCase):
    model_viewset_class = DepartmentViewSet
    base_path = "api/departments"

    def setUpTestData(cls):
        cls.department_1 = Department.objects.create(title="department-1")
        cls.department_2 = Department.objects.create(title="department-2")
        cls.department_3 = Department.objects.create(title="department-3")

    test_list_departments_view = testing.views.ListModelViewTest(
            ok={"limit": 10, "offset": 0},
            bad_request={"limit": -1, "offset": -1}


The class attribute ListModelViewTest should be named after the view being tested.
For example, if you are testing the list_departments_view attribute of the
DepartmentViewSet class, the class attribute should be named


def __init__(
        path_parameters: Optional[ArgOrCallable[PathParameters,
                                                TestCaseType]] = None,
        query_parameters: Optional[ArgOrCallable[QueryParameters,
                                                 TestCaseType]] = None,
        headers: Optional[ArgOrCallable[Headers,
                                        TestCaseType]] = None) -> None

Initializes the ListModelViewTest with path parameters, query parameters, and optional headers.


  • path_parameters Optional[ArgOrCallable[PathParameters, TestCaseType]], optional - Path parameters for
    the request. Can be a static object, a callable, or a property on the test case. Defaults to None.
  • query_parameters Optional[ArgOrCallable[QueryParameters, TestCaseType]], optional - Query parameters for
    the request. Can be a static object, a callable, or a property on the test case. Defaults to None.
  • headers Optional[ArgOrCallable[Headers, TestCaseType]], optional - Headers for the
    request. Can be a static object, a callable, or a property on the test case. Defaults to None.


def on_successful_request(response: django.http.HttpResponse,
                          path_parameters: dict, query_parameters: dict,
                          headers: dict, payload: dict)

Callback method to handle the response for a successful request.

This method is called when the view returns a successful HTTP response. It verifies that
the response content matches the expected output, ensuring the correctness of the view's output.
The expected output is derived from the model instance specified in the path parameters.


  • response django.http.HttpResponse - The HttpResponse object from the view.
  • path_parameters dict - The path parameters used in the request.
  • query_parameters dict - The query parameters used in the request.
  • headers dict - The headers used in the request.
  • payload dict - The payload sent with the request.


def on_failed_request(response: django.http.HttpResponse,
                      path_parameters: dict, query_parameters: dict,
                      headers: dict, payload: dict)

Callback method to handle the response for a failed request.

This method is called when the view returns a failed HTTP response. It only verifies that
the response status code matches the expected status code, ensuring the correctness of the
view's error handling.


  • response django.http.HttpResponse - The HttpResponse object from the view.
  • path_parameters dict - The path parameters used in the request.
  • query_parameters dict - The query parameters used in the request.
  • headers dict - The headers used in the request.
  • payload dict - The payload sent with the request.


def test_list_models_ok()

Tests the successful scenarios.

Executes subtests combining various ok path parameters, ok query parameters, and ok headers to verify
the correct handling and response output under valid conditions. Each combination is tested as a subtest.


def test_list_models_query_parameters_bad_request()

Tests the bad request query parameter scenarios.

Executes subtests combining various ok path parameters, bad_request query parameters, and ok headers to
verify the correct handling and response output under bad request conditions. Each combination of
parameters is tested.


def test_list_models_headers_unauthorized()

Tests the unauthorized headers scenarios.

Executes subtests combining various ok path parameters, ok query parameters, and unauthorized headers to
verify the correct handling and response output under unauthorized conditions. Each combination of
parameters is tested.


def test_list_models_headers_forbidden()

Tests the forbidden headers scenarios.

Executes subtests combining various ok path parameters, ok query parameters, and forbidden headers to
verify the correct handling and response output under forbidden conditions. Each combination of
parameters is tested.


def test_list_models_path_parameters_not_found()

Tests the not found path parameter scenarios.

Executes subtests combining various not_found path parameters, ok query parameters, and ok headers to
verify the correct handling and response output under not found conditions. Each combination of
parameters is tested.